Ricky Chavez

Hi Everyone!

My name is Ricky Chavez, I am currently pursuing a bachelors degree of science in biology with the hope of one day becoming a doctor. I am a first generation college student and have a great passion in being a service to others not only in medicine but in everyday life. Going to Regis has taught me that my education is not for myself but for others and that I must use it to better the community and be a servant to the world.

I dream of one day developing similar projects as the Guatemala Interfaith medical service project, specifically in Mexico, which is where my entire family comes from. I hope to one day work with communities in Mexico to build healthcare capacity especially in the communities that have been most affected by drug violence.

I am extremely excited and grateful to be a part of this wonderful team of students and medical professionals. I CANNOT WAIT to be in La Ciudad de la Esperanza serving the community and learning the ins and outs of building healthcare capacity to one day serve my community here in Colorado and in Chihuahua & Durango, Mexico.

Thank you all for the endless support!


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